Practical steps for decluttering with long-term success

Clutter sneaks in slowly. First, it’s just a stray book on the coffee table, then suddenly, your home looks like an audition tape for Hoarders. But fear not! It’s time to reclaim your space, one decluttered corner at a time. Whether you’ve been living in denial about that “junk drawer” or are ready for a total home detox, this guide will help you clear the clutter and actually keep it that way.

Step 1: Embrace the Ruthless Purge

First things first – let’s get real about what’s taking up space. Do you really need three nearly identical spatulas? Or that sweater you haven’t worn since 2012? Probably not. It’s time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and get ruthless. If it doesn’t “spark joy” or serve a practical purpose, it’s got to go.

Grab a bag, a box, or whatever container you have handy, and start sorting your stuff into three categories: keep, donate, and trash. And here’s the golden rule: if you haven’t used or thought about an item in over a year, it’s time to say goodbye (with maybe a sentimental tear, but trust me, you’ll feel lighter afterward).

Step 2: The “One Room at a Time” Rule

Decluttering your entire home in one day? Yeah, that’s a recipe for burnout and a living room that looks even worse than when you started. The key to successful decluttering is taking it one room, or even one drawer at a time. Baby steps, my friend.

Start with the easiest space, like your bathroom or hallway closet. Tackling smaller areas first gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. Plus, it’s less overwhelming than diving into the garage (AKA the black hole of forgotten stuff).

Step 3: Find Joy in Organizing (Yes, Really)

Once you’ve purged all the unnecessary items, it’s time for the fun part: organizing! And yes, organizing can actually be fun especially when you have fewer things to deal with. Here’s where you can let your inner neat freak shine.

Invest in some aesthetically pleasing storage solutions such as cute baskets, drawer dividers, and bins that make you feel like you’ve got your life together. Give everything a designated home so that your belongings don’t start creeping back into the dreaded “clutter zone.” The more you love your organized space, the more likely you are to keep it that way.

Pro tip: Label things! It’s like creating a map for your stuff, so when you’re in a rush, you’ll know exactly where everything goes without playing a game of “What’s in this random drawer?”

Step 4: Set Boundaries with Stuff (It’s Not You, It’s Me)

The hardest part of decluttering isn’t the purge, it’s keeping your home clutter-free afterward. That’s where boundaries come in. Set limits on how much stuff you’re allowed to keep in each space. For example, designate one shelf for books, not three. Or allow yourself two cozy throws, not five.

It’s also helpful to follow the “one in, one out” rule: every time you buy something new, something else has to go. This keeps your home from returning to its cluttered ways. Plus, it makes you think twice about whether you really need that new kitchen gadget or throw pillow (we both know you already have five).

Step 5: Maintenance Mode: Keep the Clutter at Bay

Once your home is decluttered and organized, maintenance is key. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’ll be tidying up 24/7. A few simple habits can help you keep your space looking pristine without constant effort.

  • Daily 10-Minute Tidy: Spend just 10 minutes at the end of each day putting things back in their designated spots. It’s amazing what a quick tidy can do for keeping clutter at bay.
  • Quarterly Purges: Every few months, take some time to revisit your decluttering efforts. Are there items you’re no longer using? Is your closet starting to overflow again? A little seasonal purge will help you stay on top of things.
  • Don’t Buy Mindlessly: One of the easiest ways to keep your home clutter-free is to stop bringing in more stuff. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it’s something you really need or if it’s just going to add to the clutter. Remember, less is more.

Step 6: Celebrate Your Clutter-Free Space

Congrats! You’ve purged, organized, and set boundaries with your stuff, now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. A clutter-free home isn’t just about aesthetics (though it does look amazing). It’s also about creating a calm, serene environment where you can actually breathe.

Take a moment to sit back, relax, and admire your decluttered space. Maybe treat yourself to a nice cup of tea (or wine, no judgment here) and savor the newfound simplicity. You did it!

Decluttering Is a Lifestyle

Decluttering isn’t a one-time event, it’s a lifestyle. By embracing a “less is more” mentality and setting boundaries with your stuff, you can create a home that’s free from clutter and chaos. And the best part? You’ll have more time, energy, and space to enjoy the things that really matter.


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